Mika Maii asked, "Who would you like to have dinner with? Dead or alive, why?"
When first reading this question my immediate response was "Oh! Audrey Hepburn!" but then I began to feel indecisive as I look up to many actors dead and alive that I would love to have dinner with. I began going down the list of actors that I have admire such as Jack Nicholson, Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Leonardo Dicaprio. The list goes on and on. I'd hope to even see those actors one day or another but Audrey Hepburn is someone I have a 0% chance of ever seeing. I'd love to ask her questions about being a female in the rise of Hollywood and if she knows the impact she has on girls growing up and continues to. I would love to hear how she got into acting and performance and what kick started her career. She seems like such a wonderful women in the articles I have read and I would love to meet her and get to know her.